Thursday, January 31, 2008

Nelson Mandela

Ok, so my mentor when I first started out in my career of graphic design was the late Mr Manfred Enickl. He in turn introduced me to a Willem De Klerk on a number of occasions, who is the son of FW De Klerk, who shared a Nobel Peace Prize with Nelson Mandela.

Degrees of separation: 4


At 6:06 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Nikina

Just saying hi - you don't know me - I used to be Manfred's partner - and I dreamt of him the other night and said, as you do!, if you were really trying to contact me rather than me just randomly dreaming of you - then send me a sign out of the blue - then I saw your post! Thanks!! Sxxx

At 9:15 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Nikina
Another voice from beyond. I got "Die kleine Nachtmusik" as a sign from Manfred on my answering machine. From early on we always said we would give each other a sign and I said the other day to my sister that he could leave this for me, next morning it was there and I have kept it. We had lots of joy and laughter, a long life together, sadly he left too early. He still had so much to live for. He has been a lot around me lately.

At 6:56 pm, Blogger Lumial said...

After he died I lit a candle and thought of him, celebrating his life and Queen's 'Don't Stop Me Now' 'played' as loudly and clearly as if it were on the cd player. I did not imagine it. I laughed out loud. That's Manfred for you!


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