
Anyhoo, thought there was a bit of a gap in my blogs so I'm posting a pic of my studio once my desk and new computer were installed.
It all looks so tiny in the 36 square meter space, but I'm working on it. Hopefully in the next couple of months some things will be sorted and I'll have some new furniture. Leaving the epoxy element out of the floor paint was a mistake though so to anyone thinking about it - do it! My floor is hard to clean and always looks scruffy now.
Anyway, I've spent almost R500 at Sheet Street on two new throws, three scatter cushions, a table runner and some sandalwood scented candles and a clients who's been here has already turned her nose up at it so I will have to get creative with my new furniture or I'll forever feel like a wan-a-be! There are some who've liked it though, but I just can't tell sometimes.
I have my dogs in the studio with me all day and most of the time they lay just inside the security gates at my door so they're not really a bother, but they've gotten used to laying on the couch when it's cold or raining. I put my new stuff on last week and when they went to sniff at it I made a point of telling them no every time. Poor Max eventually went to lie in the middle of the room on the cold cement and Schumi came to lie on my lap. I prefer clients to make appointments so that I can put them in the garage when they're here.
Max is the friendliest and probably the most untrained dog in the world and will jump on and try to get to know anyone who enters. He's friendly, but a bit too eager so it's best if he's put in the garage and Schumi just wants attention when people are here. So, whether she seeks it from the new arrival or from me it's just inappropriate so I try to avoid it. It's difficult, but I love having my pets around me during the day - makes it all seem worthwhile - just don't like when Max tries to paw me when I'm doing some intricate thing in Freehand and my mouse jumps all over my screen. He gets a bit of a tongue-lashing sometimes, but he can handle it!
Anyway, lots of new things potting with my freelance, but some projects are moving slowly so will try to update soon.
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